Friday 10 May 2013


Conclusion :
WEEK 14 - According to my work plan, week 14 is the week where I have to present my final year project  to university accessors. Alhamdulillah, everything is going smooth even though  the questions posed quite difficult but  I tried to answer it and success. With my project, I can prove to people out there that technical student likes me can produce this type of project and applied what I have learn in passed 3 years in my study. In my opinion, my project can be a good substance for researcher who those want to know details about renewable energy module, motor and how it store energy. With the end of my presentation, thus ends the my final year project.

Efficiency of Power

Week 13...

This week I make some calculation about the input power and output power based on my result that I got from my experiment. I try to make some comparison to the real absorber car. This detail result attach at my full report. This week I have done more work at home to compile the result and whether the objective are being achieves base on theory I got the input power by using and constant spring that I got before.

k=330.76 N/m
So  I can get the input power by use this formula

And the work done by the spring is the difference in the beginning and ending kinetic energies:
W = KEf – KEi

The spring started at rest, so KEi = 0 J. That leaves only the final kinetic energy to calculate:

Based on theory that I learn I got the input power for my RSA module. To get the efficiency I should calculate the output power so the output power I get from the voltage and current  based on result that I have archive in lab by using lab view so I got the efficiency on my result. The detail about input power and output power I attach in full report.

While  using the different mass 1kg to 6kg the efficiency are plot. On the basis of equation above the efficiency-speed characteristic are being plot for values of the spring constant 330,76N.The efficiency-speed characteristic of the electric shock absorber obtained for the parameters indicated are shown in figure below

efficiency spring graf

Thursday 9 May 2013

Experiment For Effect of Megnetic to spring damping

Week 11 And 12...
Preliminary Experimental Requirement
For the purpose of the experiment the I was provided with one motor shaped electromagnets. Since the aim was to observe the effect of their magnetic fields on a freely rotating pinion by rack, a suitable experimental setup was necessary. The initial setup arrangement involved fabrication of a circular pinion of conducting material which was to be mounted on a motor that would be held in place and rotate of the shaft couple with pinion. One end of the rack (bicycle chain) would be connected linear to spring to drive motor which would be given output power based on rotation of the pinion. The other end of the output life and neutral was to be connected to a small signal analyzer that would produce a voltage versus time output which could then be calibrated to give a speed versus time decay output. The experimental setup plan is shown in Figure 1

Figure 1 

Shortcomings of the Initial Setup
 After fabricating most of the apparatus required for the setup, with the help of the laboratory technologists, including the Capacitor and Rectifier, Rectifier are being use to convert the ac to dc voltage for making the output can be record easier. For the first try i got the voltage output are not stable although the capacitor are used. So the measurement cannot be record because unstable output. Beside that the output current are very low so the power cannot be determine because the oscilloscope cannot display the small value .Such conditions were absolutely not useful for my experiment and thus with little time left on my hands and the current setup being unable to allow for any testing or readings to be taken, other alternatives needed to be explored. 

Rotating Magnet(MOTOR) based on Spring Damping
Finally, in this week I go further an experiment to observe the damping effect on a rotating motor by rack and pinion showed that the velocity at which the shaft rotates by the different mass will affect the magnitude of the eddy currents induced. Hence, the higher weight, the greater will be the opposing force acting on the spring and thus, the greater will be the damping effect. Hence it will not be in the focus of our experiment to re-prove experimentally this fact that can be predicted by theory according to the Lorentz force density equation
F = J x B = s (v x B) x B
The motor used in the experiment are electromagnets as the magnetic field can be effectively contained within a small area when in use. Measured magnetic flux densities are about 50 G at 1 cm away from the magnets. Also, during transportation from place to place, with no power supply, the electromagnets will generate a magnetic field. This ensures that electrical or magnetic devices are accidentally exposed to the magnetic field.

Figure 1

Figure 2

                  The damping result based on force was investigated by taking digital multimeter. The data was transferred to an Excel spreadsheet to make the plots. For a first approximation, the motion could be modeled as in figure 1 the spring damping data are recorded when not using the motor while figure2the result for spring damping when using the motor as pinion.
                To make sure it damaged before I got the value, I have to make it quickly and snap the result directly. After this experiment, my next step is to determine efficiency of my RSA module then the real absorber. I hope all is well as schedule. :)



Develop Rectifier and Capacitor


(i) To determine output voltage and current
(ii) To create a better result for analysis damping
(iii) To testing the circuit with the my RSA module

1. Firstly, I have to test the circuit either it can produce the graph or not by using the block that I create.
2. After that, I tried to interface the hardware and software.
3.  Then, by using the same experiment as I do before, I try different type capacitor to see the output produce.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3


Figure 4

Conclusion :
WEEK 10 - Previously, I did the manual method to determine the voltage and current by using multimeter.
But for this week, it turns out. By this week, a problem occurs when I tried to interface again the software and hardware part.This week also, I have to decide where the suitable capacitor to store the charge and can be using in some equipment.l got a problem because the output does not work and the data cannot connect with the hardware part. Figure 1 shown is the block diagram that I have to use in my project. Figure 2 Show that some capacitor and rectifier that I have to use in my project. Inside the block diagram, I use Data Acquisition for current and voltage and the input came from RSA module. From that, it separate into two which is current and voltage. The output from both input, I integrated and connected to graph to see the graph performance. Suddenly, another problem occurs when the DAQ Cards only accept maximum 10V for voltage and 58mA for currents. To solve this problem and suggestion from lab technician, I have use another Rectifier and capacitor to make sure the DAQ Cards can produce the voltage and current that I want.So, I built a new circuit as shown in Figure 3.I has use another rectifier RS406 and capacitor 680uF is aligned in parallel. After that, I tried again to interface it with the software part with a new block diagram. Evidently it worked!
 Further, with the combination of rectifier, capacitor, RSA module and software, the graph is produce. As you can see in Figure 4, the graph is starting to produce I-V curve graph but not exactly. But this success can be proud of after facing some problems. Even though time is running out, I will strive to complete my project. In shaa Allah.